
 The Role Hydration Plays in Your Health

Oct 16, 2024
 The Role Hydration Plays in Your Health
Most of us understand that drinking water is important, but do you know how much hydration actually impacts your health? Take a moment to learn why staying hydrated is vital for optimal health.

Every living thing on planet Earth needs water to survive. As humans, two-thirds of our body is composed of water, and every one of your cells requires this hydrating fluid to perform its designated function. Even all your bodily fluids such as saliva, blood, and urine have water as their base, and you need water for body temperature regulation, joint lubrication, and organ function.

Unfortunately, up to 75% of the American population is chronically dehydrated. Not drinking enough water can wreak havoc on your body, leaving you vulnerable to diseases, infections, and health issues such as chronic headaches or muscle pain. 

At San Feliz Urgent Care in Glendale, California, our urgent care team understands how important it is for you to drink plenty of fluids and stay hydrated. 

Why your body needs to be hydrated

Your body relies heavily on water to function properly, but every time you sweat, urinate, or even breathe out, you lose precious amounts of fluids. This is why you must aim to drink about eight 8-ounce glasses of water (or other hydrating drinks) daily. 

Without water, the following bodily functions can start to be affected:

  • Cognitive functions such as mood regulation and memory
  • Regular digestion and bowel movements
  • Blood flow and circulation 
  • Metabolism and weight management
  • Kidney function, leading to a high risk of kidney stones or urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Waste and toxin removal

If you consistently don’t get enough water, you can even put yourself at risk for faster aging or developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, or dementia.

How to practice good hydration habits

Drinking 64 ounces of water every day might seem overwhelming, so here are some helpful tips on how to stay hydrated and keep your body in tip-top shape:

  • Drink a large glass of water with each meal
  • Include other hydrating beverages such as sparkling waters, teas, or sports drinks
  • Eat foods with water content such as cucumbers or watermelon
  • Carry a reusable water bottle with you 
  • Boost your fluid intake during periods of intense exercise or prolonged sun exposure

Whenever you feel thirsty, your body is telling you that you’re already dehydrated. So, if you’re thirsty or notice other signs of dehydration such as dizziness or headaches, prioritize drinking water or other fluids. 

If you’re having trouble staying hydrated, we offer IV hydration therapy at San Feliz Urgent Care to rehydrate you much faster than drinking water can. This can be especially helpful during intense exercise or illness recovery. 

Don’t let dehydration affect your health. Schedule an IV hydration therapy session by calling our office or using our online booking feature today.